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"New Center for Molecular Medicine Studies in Naples: Between Enthusiasm and Skepticism, Key Findings from the DefendersOfNaples Investigation"

The creation of a new molecular medicine study center in Naples could represent an enormous benefit for the community and for scientific research, but to what extent will this really be the case? Are people in favor of the project? What do people think are the strengths of this project? What are the disadvantages and how can they be improved? To find answers to these questions, the DefendersOfNaples team carried out a statistical investigation by interviewing several people and collecting as much data as possible. From the research survey it emerged that 65% of the people who were asked for an opinion on the creation of a new center for molecular medicine studies expressed themselves in a favorable manner, expressing strong points regarding the project. The remaining 35%, however, are skeptical and have expressed concerns and points against the matter. We have represented the data collected from this investigation in a static pie chart (See Graphic 1 – Static Graphic Molecular Medicine). Among the various points in favor expressed for this study center are:

•Scientific advancement: A new molecular medicine center in Naples could significantly contribute to scientific advancement. Furthermore, it could attract medical professionals, researchers, students of molecular medicine, as well as those interested in the development of new technologies in the medical field.

•The economic impact: Investment in the center could generate a positive economic impact for the region, attract talent and create skilled job opportunities

•Ethical experimentation: A center with adequate resources could conduct authorized experiments on contrast liquids, strictly respecting ethical standards and leading to innovative developments in the medical field.


Among the negative points regarding this study center, however, we have:

•High costs and Extended Timeline: Creating and managing a center of this caliber would involve high costs, which raises concerns about the effective use of public resources and the process of implementing this center would take time, raising questions about the timing and urgency of such an investment.

•Competition with Other Realities: The presence of already established research centers in Italy and Europe could make it difficult for Naples to emerge as a point of reference, leading to doubts about the competitiveness of the new center.

•Lack of funding or staffing: Potential weaknesses of this project may include lack of sufficient funding, shortage of qualified staff, or inadequate infrastructure.

•Environmental risks: Among the weak points, we cannot fail to take into account the environmental risks linked to research activity, for example, in the IRCCS SDN located in Naples in Via Emanuele Gianturco 113, a laboratory has been created for the production of radiopharmaceuticals for the scope of this project (Centro Studi di Medicina Molecolare (CeSMeMo) - PONa3_00173) and this entails various risks, especially for the environment, including:

Radiation protection: The production of radiopharmaceuticals involves radioactive substances.

Radioactive waste management:

The production of radiopharmaceuticals generates radioactive waste. It is essential to establish an adequate waste management system that complies with regulations regarding the safe disposal of radioactive materials.

Air and water pollution:

During the manufacturing process, gas or particle emissions may occur and the chemicals used could contaminate wastewater. Emission control devices and a wastewater treatment system must be adopted to limit the impact on the surrounding air.

Consumption of natural resources:

The operation of the laboratory will require resources such as water and energy.

Impact on the local ecosystem:

The construction of the laboratory could alter the surrounding ecosystem.


We have described all the results of our investigation that we have talked about so far in our Dynamic Graphics (See Graphic 2 -

To address these challenges, it may be useful to establish partnerships with academic institutions and companies, seek funding through research projects and improve staff training. Furthermore, a close collaboration with the local health system could facilitate the integration of the center's activities with the needs of the community.


In conclusion, the creation of a new molecular medicine center in Naples presents itself as an important possibility, but requires a careful approach, carefully considering the financial aspects and the urgency of the investment to obtain the maximum benefit for science and the community . As in everything, there are strengths and weaknesses, so the results of this survey are not surprising, the team received answers to all the questions it asked itself and this survey certainly served to have an even more clear of how feasible and useful the creation of a new molecular medicine study center in Naples could be, for a better society.