
Open Data, Civic Monitoring,

Cohesion Policy for the high-school students

Talk about your research

A "Dream" future
Glass sphere cradles a mini ecosystem: lush plants and tiny creatures in perfect harmony

Hello everyone,

we are the students of the class 4 B Ipseoa "G. De Gruttola" of Ariano Irpino and we are pleased to present our ambitious and innovative project, chosen to participate in the competition organized by the ASOC. Led by our professor of Business Economics, Marialaura Sateriale, project coordinator, by professor Antonio Boffa, teacher of Food Science and tutor, and by Professor Marco Pierro, support teacher, we have chosen among many projects active in our territory the project of the "Parco Fluviale del Calore".

Why did we choose this project?

We decided to focus on the project of construction of a lake for various reasons. First of all, this choice was driven by the need to discuss the challenges related to water management in our area. A lake would provide a valuable water reserve, ensuring a durable supply for agricultural, industrial and domestic uses.

The lake project has a positive impact on the surrounding environment, offering opportunities for the reforestation and the creation of water habitats, contributing to the preservation of biodiversity. In addition, it combines both the recreational and tourist aspect, as well as the promotion of a large territorial area rich in archaeological and cultural sites and finds.

From a social and economic point of view, a lake can become a centre for recreational activities, promoting local tourism and improving the life of the community. The creation of pedestrian paths, picnic areas and other infrastructures connected to the lake could enhance the attractiveness of our area.

Finally, the decision to choose this project was supported by the active participation of the community and by the long-term needs of the region. In summary, the construction of the lake was chosen to address water challenges, preserve the environment, promote social and economic development and meet the expectations of our community.

Why did we choose this logo?

Our logo is a significant visual representation of what "Between Dream and Reality" wants to achieve in the “Parco Fluviale del Calore”. The central element of the logo is an evocative lake, a symbol of tranquillity, sustainability, and a precious resource. This water embodies our commitment to the conservation of our river environment and the promotion of practices that preserve its purity.

The lake can be interpreted as a metaphor for the depth and stability of our team, underlining the strength and durability of our commitments. This symbolic connection offers a powerful way to communicate the core values of our organisation.

Next to the lake, we imagine sports activities, which underline our commitment to a lively park, accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. These activities not only promote health and well-being, but also act as social catalysts, unifying the community through fun and common interests.

Why did we give this name to the team?

The name of our team, “Between Dream and Reality,” has been carefully chosen to reflect our balanced and ambitious vision. It symbolizes the synergy between the visionary aspirations that we image for the river park and the concrete realization of projects that will lead to a better and accessible environment for all. We are led by the dream of a lush, lively and sustainable park, but we are also routed in reality through tangible and sustainable actions.

"Between Dream and Reality" is not just a project, but an invitation to dream of a river park that overcomes our boldest expectations and, at the same time, to work together for the construction of this dream, step by step. With our name and logo, we want to inspire the community to join us on this journey towards the creation of an extraordinary and sustainable river park. This is just the first step of an exciting journey.

The project “Between Dream and Reality” of the “Parco Fluviale del Calore” shows meaningful connections and learning opportunities for students in the hospitality industry. Let's see how this project is integrated into our course of study and why it is important for the students to be active citizens and participate in the civic monitoring of the territory.

Sustainable tourism

The students of a hotel school can learn how to manage sustainable and eco-friendly tourist facilities within the “Parco Fluviale del Calore”.

The project offers opportunities to develop responsible tourism practices, promoting the conservation of the natural landscape and encouraging tourism that respects local biodiversity.

Local Food and Wine

Students can explore and promote local food and wine within the park, offering culinary experiences that enhance the products and gastronomic traditions of the area.

Events & Entertainment

The project creates spaces for the realization of cultural, sport and entertainment events, offering the opportunity for the students to organize activities that enrich the tourist offer and contribute to the dynamism of the territory.

Environmental Training and Education:

Students can become actively involved in promoting environmental education within the park, encouraging the awareness of tourists and residents on the conservation, recycling and sustainable use of natural resources.

Active Citizenship and Civic Monitoring:

Being active citizens means an active participation in the life of the community. Students can be involved in the civic monitoring of the territory, contributing to the safety, cleanliness and maintenance of the park.

Through their direct engagement, students can develop a sense of civic responsibility and appreciate the value of contributing to the well-being of the community where they live and study.

Networking and Collaboration:

Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with local authorities, non-profit organisations and other institutions involved in the project, creating occasions for internships, collaborations and career opportunities in the hotel and sustainable tourism sector.

In short, the active involvement in the project "Between Dream and Reality" will not only enrich the course of study of the students in the hotel sector but will also help to educate aware and responsible citizens, ready to make a difference in the sustainable management and promotion of the territory where they live.


PROJECT COST € 4.485.413,91 financed with:

European Union funds for € 3.364.06;

Revolving Fund for € 784.947;

Regional Funds for € 336.406;


 Municipality of Mirabella Eclano (province of Avellino);

 Municipality of Apice (province of Benevento);

 Municipality of Taurasi (province of Avellino).