
Open Data, Civic Monitoring,

Cohesion Policy for the high-school students

Articolo di Data Journalism

INNOVATION: The “Moover”

We are the students of class 2QR of an  experimental four-year-diploma course specialising in Economics, Languages and International Relations in the secondary school “Giacinto Girardi” that is located in Cittadella, in the province of Padua, in Northern Italy. 

Our project is named “Research and definition of innovative methods about postural and walking rehabilitation”, it can also be called “Moover”.

Our goal is to help research and improve already existing technology to help people that have trouble moving. We have chosen this project because we truly believe that we can help these people who are struggling for no reason, since it’s an easily solvable problem, it only needs the attention it deserves.

We found out through our extensive research that it’s really easy to begin to have problems moving:

  • The first and most common reason is injuries, since they are really easy to get from various areas of our busy lives. Injuries can be caused by accidents at work, car crashes and unexpected events.


  • The second most common reason is a sudden health problem that makes our moving difficult or impossible. This state is called Bradykinesia, it is a slow or difficult movement.
    It can cause muscle weakness, rigidity, or tremors.


  • The third is aging, as our body becomes weak we also have less energy to move and in some serious cases our body becomes so fragile it needs assistance for just walking.


Our first graph shows the distribution of disability in the age range and what part of the body is affected the most. It clearly displays a big contrast just by looking at the numbers of people up to 19 and people over 65. We think this information is really important as it underlines the need to improve the current technology for these disabilities to help the eldery.

We also can’t forget about the pretty high number depicted in the age range of 35-49 and 50-64, since at these ages most of the affected people are working, their disability will influence their ability to do a good job or get one.


In this second group of data that we collected you can clearly see the limbs are the most affected parts of our body that can have disabilities, this is relevant to our project since they are the most important parts for our movement. It is also worrying how big the percentage of lower limbs with extreme disability is.

In the following link you can find three interactive graphs:

These interactive graphs show disabled people by their occupational status and what disability they present.