
Open Data, Civic Monitoring,

Cohesion Policy for the high-school students

Data journalism article


The project analysed by our team "The Changing Theatre" is an amount of information coming from one of the organizers involved in the project. We analysed the expenses used in the different fields for the realization of the project and how they were used.


We processed the data and expressed it in form of a chart according to the following rates:

planning, organization, documentation and final report  = 23%

room and board = 20%

partner trips = 35%

gadget = 6%

transfers = 14%

miscellaneous expenses = 2%


To conclude we discovered how different cultures can work together through a mutual interest.

We found out how difficult organizing different cultures and general bureaucracy by analysing the given data.

We asked for data in advance so we could understand the way everything was divided and worked out.

We didn't expect such a big turn out. We didn't think that the "Chiena" and the other historical sites were so important and interesting for people abroad.