
Open Data, Civic Monitoring,

Cohesion Policy for the high-school students

Talk about your research

Initial developments
TrHUBstevere project

Blog post

  1.    Consultation of the ASOC site

 A Scuola di OpenCohesione (ASOC) is an innovative educational path aimed at developing principles of active and aware citizenship in Italian schools, through research activities and civic monitoring of European public funding.

Everyone received their username and password which is the same for all students and different ones for teachers to open the site A scuola di OpenCohesion.     

  1.     Consultation of the Open Cohesion site  

It is the open government initiative on cohesion policy in Italy. All citizens are thus able to verify how funds are being used to meet the needs of the territories involved.

In order to select and identify the project to follow, we opened the Open Cohesion site in class with our class teacher.

She explained to us how to follow instructions and additionally we saw in class also the videos,which helped us to initiate the project.  

Once we understood how to use and filter the projects that we found interesting, we selected a bunch of projects.



  1.   Choosing the 3 projects

From the bunch of projects chosen that we were interested in,we finally selected 3 projects which are :“ Lazio”, “Hub Multimodale Trastevere” and “Parco Urbano Spallette”. Once chosen, the three projects should be explained and presented in class by organizing the ideas and researches in canvas.  

To make the process of canvas easier,we followed the template on the site A Scuola OpenCohesion.

These must be presented in class.


  1.   Division into  3 Small Groups

At last we concluded the previous lesson with 3 projects to follow.

Additionally the class has been divided into 3 groups assigned to do a brief description and presentation of the projects.

The 1 st group consisted of :

  • Flaminia Monti, as the group main storyteller,Gaia and Giulia as researchers and Leonardo and Davide Pesce being tasked with paginating
  • The 2nd group was instead comprised of Davide Solvi as main storyteller, Darren and Ionut as researchers and Alessandro doing the paginating
  • The 3rd group’s main storyteller was Angela, the researchers were Alessio and Adeesha and Francesco and Carlotta paginating.



  1.   Presentation and selection  of the projects 

Shortly after, each project was presented in class by the storyteller of the groups,in order to vote the main project that we will eventually follow at the end.

 Consequently we presented each project to the class, and at last we decided to vote for the most interesting project and the majority of votes went to the project Hub in Trastevere led by the second group.     


  1.   Nomination of the team 

Once we selected the most voted project which is Hub in Trastevere, we had to choose the name of the team.  

It was one of the complicated decisions that we had to choose and finally we arrived in conclusion to the name TrHUBstevere.


  1.  Creation of the logo 

Once we chose the project and the name of the team, we had to create the logo that represents our team .

We were inspired by other logos also which facilitated our task and we personalized it. 


  1.   Subdivision of roles


   Once the team was nominated,we assigned the roles and  decided who  the Project Manager would be.       


  Project Manager: Raoul

  Storyteller: Nikita, Davide S.

  Blogger : Angela, Ann Gel, Sreya

  Pr manager/social media: Giulia, Leonardo 

  Analyst: Adeesha, Francesco, Ychirro 

 Coder: Darren, Davide P., Alessio

Designer: Carlotta, Alessandro,Irene

Heads of research: Gaia, Flaminia, Ionut


  1. Opening of various social medias

 At last we opened various social media accounts which precisely are the Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Google Drive accounts in order to represent the project TrHUBstevere.



The first goal set by the team was to determine which issues most affect Rome and especially the area surrounding the school and the terms which mostly kept coming up were traffic, pollution and rubbish, so we determined that the project had to involve at least one of these themes. The next essential step was to make sure that each one of the members of the project had a way to accomplish their job, so we set up a group chat for ease of communication, after that we divided the task which could be accomplished at home from the one which needed to be done at school. The next objective we set was to make sure that the research we did was always sourced from a reputable origin and we always could easily access it; the next step was seeing how we could interact with the community. Once we had already set up several social media accounts, we started thinking what the best method to communicate with the community would be, after thorough consideration the form which was chosen was asking questions in the comments of each post and questionnaires.

The next part was determining the impact which the project had for the community, the first effect was reducing the need for cars to reach or leave from the station, this is extremely helpful especially for tourists who cannot use private vehicles, it is also very helpful to reduce the number of cars on the road, thus quickening other means of travel and limiting the pollution produced.

The next step was making sure that a shared drive for the Research dossier was present, this was created by the Heads of research, then we established when the first drafts should be sent by, which was determined to be the next Wednesday. After all the drafts were received, they were checked and reviewed. We saw how improvements could be made and so we determined that by Monday the nineteenth of december the finished parts had to be sent over.