The chosen project of our team is DigiPass Assisi, supported by European fundings. Its aim is to answer the local population's needs through a series of offices, in which experts can support citizens and companies with their digital skills. The theme of the project is, in fact, " web and digital services" and it aims to raising awareness on technology and enhancing the use of digital tools.
Our team's name is The Smartech Team and there are twenty-two of us. We attend the fourth year of language high school in Assisi, "Liceo Properzio". The name we chose for our team is a combination of the terms "Technology" and "Smart". It is "smart" because the various Digipass offices, where you can find free assistance to solve technological problems, help people improve their skills. We also used "tech" since technology is the main theme of the project. We divided into eight groups, each with a different aim (Project Managers, Heads of Research, Designers, Social Media Managers, Analysts, Storytellers, Producers and Bloggers). To make our logo, we used a brain instead of the letter "a" because it refers to the word "smart" and because we strongly believe that for the development of our future we should take advantage of our abilities. The font was chosen because it seemed bright like a light bulb and the circle on the background recalls the technological part of our name, "tech".
On 23 November 2022 we officially started working on the ASOC project. On the first lesson, the Project Managers had the duty to decide the timing and the modalities of the monitoring and to coordinate activities of the various groups making sure there were no problems. The Heads of Research took care of the information collected during the monitoring. They also wrote the CANVAS with the Project Managers. The Bloggers took care of the team blog. They also wrote Report 1 with the Project Managers. The Designers created the logo of the team and the wall of the project. The Social Media Managers developed the group’s social media, updating them with posts, stories and new content. The Producers continuously took pictures and videos. The Storytellers took track of everything that was being done during the lesson. The Analysts were in charge of collecting important data about the project and of filling the Research Dossier shared on our drive connected to the e-mail of the team.
The objectives of our civic monitoring are: making sure the funds were appropriately used and the project went well, spreading the research and involving the territory to raise awareness about civic monitoring, improving the territory by analysing the projects that are made locally and producing new ideas.
The targets of this project are citizens of the surrounding area, local companies and the local community who will benefit from the project and the monitoring.