
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane

Data journalism article

TrHUBstevere report

Data about the public transportation here in Rome:


Rome is best visited by foot as most of the innermost city was not designed around cars, many would think that this would also make it bike friendly, unfortunately this is not the cas as a lack of cycling paths and irregular roads, such as the one made of the infamous “Sanpietrini”, lead to a very dangerous and often uncomfortable biking experience, this leads to less than 1% of the overall roman population to use a bike as their main form of transportation.

Regardless, a lot of eco-conscious young people have started biking to work, both due to the notorious health benefits and the greatly reduced carbon footprint which they produce.

This has been making the number of bikers greatly increase, several other factors are also very influential such as the Z.T.L. zones in the centre of Rome which forbid drivers who are neither residents nor have paid a fee to access the urban centre with their vehicles from entering, this causes around 1 in 10 people to arrive via bike, this number can be considered to be artificially inflated by tourists who cannot use their cars in foreign countries, but this is false as the large number of rental companies and car sharing services that offer electric vehicles which can access the city centre has been steadily increasing,but regardless of this greater access to this new kind of vehicle has not caused a large decrease of bikers, but it is obvious that they need further accommodation, the Trasteve Hub would provide almost 1300 square meters of bike parking and sharing and easy access to the main cycling lane alongside the Tiber river.


This would obviously remove a substantial amount of parking spaces so more car reliant people would be unhappy with the developments, but while interviewing some people using the station we figured out that most commuters would prefer having easier access to car-sharing or bikes-sharing services and buses which pass more often and so the overwhelming majority of the interviewees is strongly in favour of the renovations, especially those in younger age groups.

 These interviews which had been recorded with the consent of the interlocutor were later edited and subtitled to ease the followability.