
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane

Data journalism article

The other side of cigarette butts: smoke, plastic, and more...

Who would have thought that a tiny cigarette butt could turn into an imminent danger for our planet? Smoke not only harms human health but is also a dangerous criminal for the environment.

Yes, you heard that right, those small and harmless cigarette butts that we casually throw away are ticking time bombs.

According to recent research - and no, it's not from the comic book gang of Smoking Glasses - the number of improperly disposed cigarette butts has increased by 65% in recent years.In the last three years, according to recent studies, we have witnessed an incredible 65% increase in improperly disposed cigarette butts, which scatter in the environment, endangering not only marine animal species but the entire terrestrial ecosystem.

Thanks to the "Oscar" project, the "Smoking Glasses" team first approached this serious issue with amazement and then with concern. Starting from the term "littering," which highlights how even a cigarette butt can have a devastating effect on our planet. Let's talk numbers. If you thought your pack of cigarettes was just a small daily sin, think again! Every day, 6 billion cigarettes are smoked in the world. And yes, you read that right, every day! This translates to 6 trillion cigarettes a year, with a whopping 4.5 trillion cigarette butts turning into little monsters when left free in the environment.

In addition to health damage, the environmental impact is equally dramatic. Two-thirds of cigarette butts end up being thrown on the ground, tossed out of car windows, or left on beaches, causing serious pollution.

From the analysis of data concerning Italy, it has emerged that there are 12.4 million smokers, with a predominance of men (7.5 million) over women (4.9 million). The average number of cigarettes consumed per person per day is 11.5. Almost one in four Italians is a smoker, a percentage that has increased by 2% compared to 2019, both among men and women.

Behind the seemingly innocent appearance of that small piece of tobacco, other horrible secrets are hidden: toxic, carcinogenic, and even radioactive substances! Nicotine, benzene, toxic gases like ammonia and hydrogen cyanide, and even radioactive compounds like polonium-210 nestle in the unsmoked part of the cigarette. And it doesn't end there! The plastic filter, made of cellulose acetate, is another hidden enemy, as it releases over 15 thousand microplastic particles into the environment, which will take more than 10 years to biodegrade. Imagine those cigarette butts littering sidewalks and beaches: a real environmental hazard! Know that a single cigarette butt has the potential to pollute as much as 1000 liters of water.

Often ignored or underestimated, these small smoke residues have a huge impact on air and water quality, compromising the health of living organisms and the natural balance of ecosystems. The widespread habit of throwing cigarette butts on the street or into waterways, rather than disposing of them properly, contributes significantly to environmental pollution. These toxic wastes contain harmful chemicals like nicotine, tar, arsenic, and other heavy metals, which can contaminate soil and water, poison aquatic life, and disrupt marine ecosystems. In particular, the increasing number of cigarette butts ending up in the seas poses a serious threat to marine biodiversity. Marine animals such as turtles, seabirds, and fish can accidentally ingest cigarette butts, mistaking them for food, which can cause digestive blockages, poisoning, and death.

But it doesn't end there! Only since July 2019, with the resolution number 5 of the National Register of Environmental Managers, cigarette "butts" have finally been recognized as proper waste. Yes, that small piece of tobacco is now officially in the crosshairs! Through contacts with the competent authorities, provincial and regional Arpacs, and the ISPRA environment, a startling truth has emerged: there is still no comprehensive study on the pollution caused by cigarette butts as waste because the problem has surprisingly been underestimated. But fear not, because salvation lies behind the smoking glasses of the Smoking Glasses team! Indeed, in our daily actions. Even small gestures can make a difference, and the Oscar project will show you how such a dangerous waste can be reborn and transformed into something useful and surprising.