
Open Data, Civic Monitoring,

Cohesion Policy for the high-school students

ASOC restarts in Spain and Portugal

28 novembre 2023


The international activities of At the School of OpenCohesion are expanding in the 2023-2024 school year with the recent relaunch of the project in Iberian countries.

Eight schools are now participating in ASOC Catalunya, where the initiative had previously been launched in the school year 2019-2020 and continued until 2022. This marks a renewed a project, made possible by the close collaboration between the Italian staff and Catalan authorities.

Five schools are participating in ASOC Portugal. The Portuguese initiative is part of the broader Cohesion School (Escola da Coesão) promoted and managed by the Alentejo Region.

In addition to these, there is the brand-new ASOC Slovenia project, with the participation of eight high schools supported by the NGO “Pina” to which the Slovenian government has entrusted the operational management of the project.

To the Spanish, Portuguese, and Slovenian class teams, as well as their teachers, we extend our best wishes for a fruitful work!