
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane


Titolo del Pitch: 
Le Cetine di Cotorniano's mine: from darkness to light!
Pitch 1: 

This is the aim of our choice: understanding the territory where we belong by working on a project that could strengthen our technical skills. That’s why we have chosen Le Cetine, a mineral site needing of a decontamination due to high levels of antimony for which there have been allocated 3 million euros by Fondo per lo sviluppo rurale e la coesione 2014-2020. The plan is to waterproof and reshape the area. Several ruins will be pulled down. The remaining ones will be provided with a drainage system that will end in a fitodepruration system. Our goal is to establish if it has been followed the correct legal procedure and if the project has an economic and public value. We have collected lots of data, from the history to the laws.

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Pitch 2: 


No sooner did we start working that we realize that there were inconsistencies. Here you are our main discoveries!

 The aim of the works is to sell the mineral village’s buildings (pubblic ownership) and not creating the mineral park indicated in PIT (territorial plan)

 The area is subjected to a landscape protecting law, it is close to natural reserve protected by Natura 2000 and it is the habitat of bats protected by EUROBATS, but the works are extremely invasive. 

 “The area Is peculiar for the mineral history “says engineer Zanchi, and it is linked with a Sardinian mine and famous historical Sienese characters.

 Several unique minerals have been found in the mine. That’s why Le Cetine is considered a geosite, even though it hasn’t been made the protecting law, yet.

Pitch 3: 

As we think that discussion is vital, we’ll start a debate between experts, administrations and citizens to make people aware of this intervention so that they can give their contribute. This may lead to the construction of the mineral park that wasn’t made 20 years ago! It seems that the municipality doesn’t want us investigate as we couldn’t enter the public archive of Chiusdino and see the documents of the mineral park! Therefore, it is a public responsibility to keep monitoring this project. Briefly the executive project will be made! As we are finishing the fifth year of the agrarian school after the exam, we won’t give up this project! We’ll leave it as our legacy to the next classes. We’ll teach them what we have learnt from this experience, hoping to see this amazing place reborn.

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