
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane

Data journalism article

Riqualificazione e messa in sicurezza della scuola secondaria di primo grado Alessandro Manzoni


 “Riqualificazione e messa in sicurezza della scuola secondaria di primo grado Alessandro Manzoni”


It is essential for every school to provide all its students and the teaching staff with a safe and healthy environment. In fact, feeling safe is a collective basic need for all the people who are learning and working inside any building. For this reason, the school complex of Arconate and Buscate decided to launch a renovation project for its infrastructures in order to guarantee safety and to reduce risks.

We chose this project to spread awareness on the quantity of schools which have not been renovated for a while, or even since the first construction year. For example, in the country there are 16,794 schools, which make up 42% of total schools and which have not been restored since 1976. It is, indeed, unacceptable, since there may be a high percentage of collapse risks. At the moment the students and teachers' lives are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, it is relevant that its first priority these days must be the renovation of all infrastructures, in order to guarantee safety.    

The project we have monitored has been arranged by MIUR (Ministry instruction and research) and implemented by the municipality of Arconate. This project consists of the safety enhancement of the school infrastructures by using the funds collected from 2007 and 2013, which had been allocated for development and cohesion. The aim of this project was to secure and renovate the part of the school complex which currently hosts the local middle school.

This project was approved after the request made by ASL and VV.FF., subsequent to the deliberation G.C. no. 101 of October 2, 2004. 

The total amount allocated was €57,489.03: €11,388.90 for installations; €4,651.42 for masonry services; €47,489.03 for safety works, labor and VAT. Specifically, €3,101.51 for safety charges, €13,316.28 for labor, and total 10% VAT. For technical expenses, cost-of-living allowances, accounting, rounding, and any increases in material costs, €5,251.10 was spent. 


The total budgeted expenditure was €57,489.03 (total allocated amount). However, before the start of the works, a new budget was approved with an overall total of €52,355.72: renovation work and work execution amounted to €29,206.98, safety coordinator’s consultancy  €2,168.99, safety charges €3,101.51, labor costs €13,316.26, and €4,562.48 for 10% VAT.

Of the total amount used for the project, 13%, (€6,731) , was allocated by the municipality of Arconate; the remaining 87%, (€45,625) was allocated by the EU Development and Cohesion Fund. 

The renovation works were carried out by F.C.G.E Francesco Marino e Figli SRL located in Lonate Pozzolo. In October 23, 2015 at the municipality of Arconate the representative of the enterprise, Francesco Marino, under the watch of the surveyor Massimo Milacca, the supervisor, declared that the works could have been carried out in 95 days. He estimated that based on the delivery report of July 20, 2015 and the art. 13 “special terms and conditions''. As planned, the work started on the scheduled date and finished three days in advance. In fact, the works were supposed to start on July 28, 2015 and were expected to be completed by October 26, 2015.