
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane


Titolo del Pitch: 
The story of our monitoring
Pitch 1: 

The project chosen by the Liceo Ettore Palumbo of Brindisi is "DISINQUINAMENTO E MESSA IN SICUREZZA FONDALI PORTO INTERNO DI BRINDISI SENO DI PONENTE" implemented with the €34,552,171.33 funds for the city of Brindisi.</p>

<p>After evaluating several proposals, the group decided to focus on the local port as it represents an important resource for the community. The project 'A fondo nei fondi' was chosen as the name because it plays with the double meaning of the word 'fondi', referring both to the available economic funds and the seabed. The aim of the project is to investigate why so much money has been allocated to the seabed and whether the project has achieved satisfactory objectives.</p>


Pitch 2: 

<p>We therefore decided, without hesitation, to contact the authority and make an appointment with one of its managers in order to obtain the necessary information for the progress of the investigation as the official data available on the web was not at all sufficient</p>

<p>After making the appointment, we went to the port authority, where we met the manager Marinella Conte. Kindly, she provided us with all the information we were looking for and handed us photocopies of the contracts made, the plan of the port area in question and pictures of the machinery used to clean the seabed. He also showed us pictures of the work in progress. We were very pleased with the meeting and this gave us the opportunity to work with the information we received.</p>

<p>Afterwards, we made a cartoon about how necessary and important the cleaning of our harbour is. The use of visual media such as films is a very effective way to get the message across and the importance of defending the environment from harmful substances that could damage it, as in our case, all the waste that comes from the sea and is thrown into it.</p>












<p>The other step we took was to contact the president of the Port System Authority, lawyer Ugo Patroni Griffi. After several attempts, we managed to get in touch with the person concerned and arrange a meeting to get more information and to find out whether the port authority was aware of the final terms of the project, which was last carried out by them. During the interview, which took place in our school, we put our questions to the lawyer and he provided us with the answers we needed to finish the ASOC route.</p>

<p>At the same time as all these activities, part of our team carried out a survey to find out how well the citizens of Brindisi knew the condition of the port. It was administered using all the social channels at our disposal, and once we had a sufficient number of responses, we decided to make a video showing the results of our survey. In summary, we observed that the majority of the population of Brindisi believes that the port is an additional value for the city, but that it should be improved and made even safer by focusing on the environment.</p>


Pitch 3: 

<p>At a later stage, we also looked for other projects concerning the area in question (Brindisi port area) to clarify whether our project was the only one that had been started and whether there were others that had not been completed, such as the “Banchinamento di Capo Bianco” project, which has already been financed but not yet started..</p>

<p>At the end of the project, we can say that it made us grow a lot and made us notice new aspects about the importance of being an active citizen and about our city that we did not know. We even dealt with bureaucratic issues, gained new experiences by making direct appointments with municipal officials and the port authority.Finally, we, above all, understood the economic and administrative difficulties that arise in the course of a project or in tracing information from several years back.</p>

<p>Thank you for your attention and for the opportunity we were given.</p>

Immagine ASOC Wall: