
Open Data, Monitoraggio Civico,

Politiche di Coesione nelle scuole italiane


Titolo del Pitch: 
Our project, our analysis
Pitch 1: 

The project of renewal of the former Ospedale Estense, is realized in the aim of the new cultural centre, and it includes the buildings of Palazzo dei Musei and Ospedale Sant Agostino. The renovation worka have a final cost of nineteen million euros, of which seventeen million have already been financed by the italian ministry of cultural goods. The area object of the renewal amounts to a total of eleven thousand square meters and will be entirely destined to the purpose of enriching the city's cultural heritage. Inside of the building several cultural  areas are going to be set, including showrooms and places mainly destined to the use of Biblioteca Poletti and Centro della Salute.

Pitch 2: 

After joining the ASOC project, we began to analyze and learn more about the aspects of the work involved in the renovation of the ''ex Ospedale Estense di Modena''. First, with the direction of the videos and power points provided by the open cohesion site, we began to research information about the project by dividing into groups. The sites we consulted were mainly the ''Gazzetta di Modena”, the “Comune di Modena”, and “Open Coesione''. After that we worked to combine the information into an article that would concisely compile the information gathered and create some graphs to explain the data. Afterwards, we headed to the construction site where the architect in charge of the work kindly explained and showed us the status of the work. At the end of the visit we were able to interview him and posted the interview on our youtube channel. As the last stage of our work, we analyzed the project from our point of view and answered some questions related to the status of the work.

Pitch 3: 

In the coming months we plan to continue monitoring the project through periodic checks aimed at procuring information on the progress of the work. We will also take care to provide reports every three months to make sure that progress is steady. We will then provide for numerous supervisions both through the platform used so far and directly on site, so that we can actually detect with our own eyes the changes and evolution of the project in which we have taken an interest.

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